Playgroup Hours
Morning Session (Monday-Friday) 8.45am – 11.30am
Afternoon Session (Tuesday & Wednesday) 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Your co-operation would be greatly appreciated, as the staff need time to set up the playgroup before 8.45am or 12.30pm and to tidy up and do necessary preparation work after 11.30am or 2.30pm, for the benefit of the children and the smooth running of the playgroup
There are 26 places in the morning session and 24 places in the afternoon session available. Due to the history of high demand for places we do not normally offer pre pre-school children a place in the mornings, however in exceptional circumstances this may be considered. 2 afternoon sessions will be offered for pre pre-school children.
A normal morning will involve free play and buffet break up until around 10.45am, during which time the children are free to choose where they play and what they do. From 10.45am – 11.15am we have outdoor/physical play and from 11.15am – 11.30am we have story/topic discussion and home time. We aim to make each session as interesting, varied and stimulating as possible, offering the children plenty of choice and encouraging independence to help promote development of language skills, fine and gross motor skills and social skills as well as positive self-esteem. We demonstrate a caring and positive attitude and promote sharing, consideration for others and turn-taking. Staff meet regularly to plan and evaluate the themes we follow. We have a wide range of equipment and activities on offer.
Staff undertake basic observations of the children over the course of the year to help inform our own planning. Parent interviews will be held on 2 occasions (October and June) for pre-school funded children. Parents may ask to see the observations recorded for their child and have an opportunity to discuss these at any stage during the term if desired.
Our playgroup fees at present are £7.00 per day for PM session and £1.00 per day for breaks/arts & crafts/CEJJ music time, etc (DE funded children only). The management have the right at any time during the year to change the fees, if expenses are exceeding income, but parents will be given advanced notice of any increase. Fees must be paid directly to the playgroup Supervisor. Fees must be paid for each day a child is booked into playgroup, even if absent or just an occasional day off.
No child is charged for playgroup holidays.
If however, your child is in hospital or has a long term illness, please contact the Supervisor and arrangements can be made to reduce weekly payments until full placement is resumed at the playgroup. There will be a one off registration fee of £20.00 per child or £30.00 for 2 children when registering your child in the group.
Break is provided for each child mid-morning. We encourage the children to butter their own toast and we provide fruit, cereal, toast, yoghurts etc to encourage healthy eating. We also would encourage children to drink milk or water. Due to allergies there will be no food permitted from home unless discussed with the supervisor before hand, this includes birthday cakes, buns, sweets, etc. as we also promote healthy eating through our healthy eating policy.
We expect each child to be toilet trained before starting playgroup, however assistance will be given when necessary. Toileting will be requested by the child and we try to promote good practice by encouraging children to wash their hands after using the toilet. This could be reinforced at home.
Please put your child’s name on their coat, jumper, etc. to avoid any mix ups and dress your child in clothes which they will have their freedom, without fear of getting them dirty! Please also provide your child with a complete change of clothes in case of any accidents.
Jumper age 2, 3, 4 & 5-6 £12.00
Polo shirts age 2, 3 & 4 £10.00
Fleece & Hoodie age 3-4 & 5-6 £14.00
Uniforms can be purchased directly from playgroup.
Settling In
We would encourage you and your child to come along to our Annual Open Day. This will help you and your child familiarize yourself with the building and staff. Prior arrangements could be made with the supervisor to visit the playgroup on other suitable occasions. After discussion with the Supervisor you can decide how your child would settle in best at the group.
During the term, we may go for short walks or outdoors for physical activities i.e. ball games, hoops and beanbags, etc. We ask you to give permission at the beginning of term for your child to do so. Other outings to places such as the Zoo & Farm are also planned, with a ratio of 1:2, we may ask parents to provide transport, help and supervision. Parents are asked to sign permission forms for his/her child to attend.
Files and Records
Each child during the year will be observed while playing and a report will be taken home at the end of the year. Records will be kept of your child to enable us to plan for his/her progress, these can be discussed or looked at on request. We also will be holding Parent’s information evenings in January and June to discuss your child’s progress.
Health and Illness
A child will be asked not attend playgroup if they have a contagious illness i.e. chickenpox, measles, mumps, etc. Conjunctivitis is an infection and can be spread rapidly through children who are in close contact in play situations. If the Supervisor should approach you about any aspects of your child’s health, please remember that she is doing so with the best interest of your child and the other children in the group and any problems will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence at all times.
The Arts
Children explore a variety of materials, appreciating colour, shape, texture and sound. They express their ideas and communicate their feelings, use their imagination and make simple representations using a range of materials. These representations become more detailed as their ability to concentrate and observe increases. Children develop manipulative skills as they handle appropriate tools and instruments. They begin to value their own and other children’s work. They express ideas and feelings during role play and begin to assume different roles. They learn songs, listen and respond to music, and make their own music by singing, clapping, and playing simple percussion instruments.
Language Development
Children show evidence of a growing vocabulary and the development of listening and conversational skills. They express thoughts, ideas and feelings with increasing confidence and fluency. They talk about their experiences, ask questions and follow directions and instructions. They sustain attentive listening and respond to stories, nursery rhymes, poems, jingles and songs. They begin to show an awareness of rhyme. They engage in role-play, using appropriate language to express their feelings. Children enjoy books and know how to handle them carefully and appropriately. They are aware that the printed word has meaning and that it should be read from left to right. They recognise their own first names. Children create pictures to convey thoughts or ideas. They experiment using symbols and patterns and engage in early attempts at writing using a variety of drawing, painting and writing materials.
Early Mathematical Experiences
Children begin to understand early concepts of size and quantity. They use mathematical language, such as heavy, light, full, empty, long, short, more, another, big and little in relevant contexts. Through talking about daily routines and seasonal events, and waiting to take turns, they show an awareness of time. They begin to understand and use positional words, such as in front, behind, above and below. They talk about shapes in their environment. Children solve problems in play. They question, predict and experiment. In the course of their play they sort, match, order, sequence and count. They learn number rhymes and songs and listen to stories that have elements of mathematics in them.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Children have a sense of personal worth. They show increasing self-confidence, self-control and self-discipline. They enjoy relationships with adults and other children and can work independently and as part of a group. They are learning to share, take turns, follow and lead. They are becoming more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. They demonstrate consideration for others by caring for and helping one another. They have some understanding of rules and routines and engage in acceptable behaviour. Children show some independence in dressing and in personal hygiene. They are eager to explore new learning. They show an increasing awareness of the importance of healthy food, hygienic habits, exercise and rest. They take pleasure in their achievements. They are learning to treat living things and the environment with respect, care and concern.
Physical Development and Movement
Children enjoy physical play and the sense of freedom it brings. They have developed an awareness of space and of others and are beginning to use space imaginatively. They move confidently with control and co-ordination. They use a wide variety of large and small equipment with increasing confidence and skill. They understand simple rules and can use tools and equipment appropriately and safely.
The World Around Us
Children observe, explore, investigate and select materials and equipment in a range of situations. They ask questions about why things happen and how things work. As they work with a variety of materials, they use skills such as cutting, sticking, folding, pouring and building. They begin to recognise parts of the body and identify a variety of familiar sounds. They talk about their observations and make simple predictions about things like what would happen if water was added to sand. Children show interest in and are learning to care for their environment. They care for and respect living things and handle them sensitively. They talk about themselves, their homes, their pre-school setting and the wider environment. They know about some of the people who work within the setting and the local community. They are becoming aware of some environmental issues. Children talk about their families and events in their lives both past and present. By talking about items in the interest area, seasonal and festive events, listening to stories and taking part in daily routines, they begin to show and awareness of time.

Mrs LeAnn McKeown - Complex Co-ordinator - BA (HONS) Education

Mrs Elizabeth Kernohan - Assistant - NVQ 3 Child care learning and development

Mrs Sarah Rainey - Assistant Leader - NVQ 5 Child care learning and development

Mrs Stefanie McFarland - SEN Assistant - NVQ 3 Child care learning and development

Mrs Emma Quinn - Assistant - NVQ 3 Child care learning and development

Miss Ashley Price - Assistant - NVQ 3 Child care learning and development